We all have a story that happened to us, just as the world we live in has a story.

This story was told to us from an early age, by our parents and teachers, we read it in the newspaper and countless history books, see it on television, hear it from our politicians, scientists and other authority figures.

This story defines exactly who we are; our role and function in the world, our values and priorities, our enemy and beliefs,

how we should behave, what motivates us and what we rebel against; all that is the direct result of this story

This story has created our identity, perception and entire personality.

Without understanding the underlying theme of this story, without questioning how this story reflects and influences our real nature, and to then

begin to  write our own story, we like to change this story for the better by trying to improve the circumstances of our lives.

We look for our own advantage, follow trends, fashion, public opinion, while we fulfil our function in this world,

a world dominated by an invisible and omnipresent authority which pursue its own goals and interests;

Greed for more and more power, money and property and the resulting injustice, poverty, war,

Exploitation of our natural resources and destruction of our environment.

This story, our story will continue to repeat until we recognize the fundamental theme of y/our history.

Once we start learning about history, we can change this theme, and by doing this rewrite history.

Let's recreate the world!

Life coaching 

I am here to guide you in a new way of thinking, which

will empower you to look at your personal challenges

as an opportunity for growth and learning

Kein Dinglisch language courses 

During fun and interesting conversations that correspond to

your personal level of speaking, I help you improve your current language skills, even in just a short amount of time

Community building 

During group meetings and fun raising events

we create the experience of creating conscious

communities through interactive commuincation.